Friday, April 17, 2009
The blog has been lying dormant for 4 months. Now due to the creation of my class blog, it has resurrected. To be told by my student "Mrs Dass, your blog is very boring." Hmm. From now on it will take a differnt angle! Much less about my MEd course but Gossips, maybe but reflections perhap. Many things have happened this year. Finally I have come to terms with mum's passing. Well! life has to go on. About my bunch of lovely monsters now. As I went to my class today, one thing that upset me was my student's lack of integrity. It makes me wonder - what have i done in the 1 and a half years? Well one starfish that needs to be saved.

|Sakun:D| 4/17/2009 12:24:00 PM|


i'm a fun & peace loving person. some of the greatest joys in my life are.. -receiving bouquets of tulips from my Significant Other. -smelling roses that grow in my garden. -watching surya & madhavan's movies. -listening to semi classical music. [trust me, it can do wonders] ;D
